Group News

  • Feb 2025, welcome new RAP: Dr. Jiajia Guo.

  • Feb 2025, welcome new PhD students: Fangyu Lin, Chaozheng Wen, and Yushi Huang.

  • August 2024, welcome new PhD students: Ruiqi Fan, Yuanfang Peng, Yufei Xue, Rui Song, and Yanping Li.

  • August 2024, Lumin and Yifan passed their thesis exams. Congratulations, Dr. Liu and Dr. Ma!

  • April 2024, Yuanfang received the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Congratulation!

  • July 2024, Yuanfang and Yufei received the HKUST RedBird PhD Award. Congratulations!

  • July 2024, Yuchang received the HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award for Continuing PhD Students. Congratulations!

  • June 2024, Dr. Xiaolu Wang (a previous postdoc) joined the East China Normal University as an Associate Professor.

  • June 2024, FYP Team (BOULNOIS, Hanya Efje Clemence Charlotte, SINGH, Sandeepti, ZHENG, Wenhan) won the ECE Best FYP Award - 2nd Runner-up!

  • May 2024, Yuchang and Xinyu passed their thesis exams. Congratulations, Dr. Sun and Dr. Bian!

  • April 2024, Ruiqi received the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Congratulation!

  • March 2024, Jiawei received the School of Engineering (SENG) PhD Research Excellence Award 2023-24! [SENG News]

  • March 2024, Dr. Yao Zhang (a previous RA and postdoc) joined the Northwestern Polytechnical University as an Associate Professor.

  • Jan 2024, big congratulations to the FYP teams:

    • Team (BOULNOIS, Hanya Efje Clemence Charlotte, SINGH, Sandeepti, ZHENG, Wenhan) won the ELEC FYP Mid-term Best Poster Award!

    • Team (CHAK, Wai Ho, CHAN, Yan Nam) was the 1st Runner-up of the ELEC FYP Mid-term Video Award!

  • November 2023, Jiawei passed his thesis exam. Congratulations, Dr. Shao!

  • November 2023, Xinyu received an IEEE Globecome 23 Student Travel Grant.

  • November 2023, Jiawei received the HKTIIT Postgraduate Excellence Scholarships 2022/23. Congratulations!

  • September 2023, Jintao Xue joined our group as a research assistant.

  • September 2023, Dr. Wei Guo joined our group as a postdoc.

  • August 2023, welcome new PhD students: Li Teng, Tianyang Qi, Sijia Li, Yingdong Hu, Zehning Liu, Zifan Liu, Yufan Zhuang, Hongze Chen.

  • Auguest 2023, Xinran received The ECE Best TA Award. Congratulations!

  • August 2023, Zhening received the HKUST RedBird PhD Award. Congratulations!

  • June 2023, Jiawei received the HKUST RedBird Academic Excellence Award for Continuing PhD Students. Congratulations!

  • June 2023, Dr. Xiaolu Wang joined our group as a postdoc.

  • April 2023, Teng Li received the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Congratulation!

  • Dec. 2022, I was selected as a 2023-2024 IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer.

  • Oct. 2022, Dr. Zehong Lin joined our group as a postdoc fellow.

  • Aug. 2022, three new PhD students (Shenyuan Gao, Zijian Li, and Wenqiang Sun) joined our group.

  • Aug. 2022, Dr. Jingwen Tong joined our group as a postdoc fellow.

  • Jun. 2022, Yifei passed his PhD thesis defense. Congratulations to Dr. Shen!

  • Jan. 2022, new PhD student Xinran Li joined our group.

  • Jan. 2022, Mr. Xuefeng Wang joined our group as a research assistant.

  • Nov. 2021, I was elevated to IEEE Fellow, effective 1 January 2022 with the citation: “for contributions to dense wireless networks”.

  • Oct. 2021, I joined HKUST as a tenured associate professor.

  • Sept. 2021, Mr. Haoyang Li joined our group as a research assistant.

  • Aug. 2021, new PhD student Xinjie Zhang joined our group.

  • Apr. 2021, I was promoted to Associate Professor.

  • Mar. 2021, Miss Zhuoyi HUANG joined our group as a research assistant.

  • Jan. 2021, new PhD student Haoyu Yin joined our group.

  • Sept. 2020, SZE Wai Ki was awarded the Technical Excellence Award for his Final Year Project “Blockchain for Internet of Things”.

  • Sept. 2020, Dr. Yao Zhang joined our group as a postdoc.

  • Aug. 2020, new PhD student Yuchang Sun joined our group.

  • Apr. 2020, I joined the editorial board of Journal Frontiers in Communications and Networks.

  • Aug. 2019, three new PhD students (Xinyu Bian, Jiawei Shao, and Bilal Hussain) join our group. Welcome!

  • Aug. 2019, Mr. Heng Liu (from Beijing Institute of Technology) joined our group as a visiting PhD student.

  • July 2019, Mr Yao Zhang from Xidian University joined our group as a research assistant.

  • May 2019, Dr. Haitao Zhao, from Nanjing University of Posts and Telcommunication, started as a visiting scholar with our group at PolyU.

  • May 2019, Miss Jialin Dong from ShanghaiTech University joined our group as a research assistant.

  • Nov. 2018, Alex received the HKTIIT Post-Graduate Excellence Scholarship, and Humboldt Research Fellowship. Big congratulations!

  • Aug. 2018, Xianghao (Alex) passed his PhD defense, and will join Prof. Robert Schober‘s group at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) as a postdoc.

  • Nov. 2017, Pancy passed her PhD defense, and joined Huawei Future Network Theory Lab in Hong Kong.

  • Aug. 2017, Yuyi and Rui passed their PhD defenses. Congratulations!

    • Yuyi will join ASTRI in Hong Kong, and Rui will join Microsoft in Beijing.

  • May 2017, Yinghao's talk in INFOCOM received the Best-In-Session Presentation Award. [Slides]

  • Mar. 2016, Chang passed his PhD defense, and joined National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a Research Associate.

  • Aug. 2015, Yaming and Yuanming passed their PhD defenses. Congratulations!

    • Yaming joined ASTRI in Hong Kong, and Yuanming joined ShanghaiTech as an Assistant Professor.

  • July 2015, I was elevated to IEEE Senior Member.